23/07/20 - Case Study, Story, Uncategorised
Thanks to the unique properties of Tufa, the water has one of the highest calcium levels of any mineral water in the UK. At 101mg/litre it contains roughly a tenth of the calcium of milk, making it good for healthier bones and even regulating your heartbeat. It also has very low sodium levels. The Drinking Water Inspectorate states that 200mg/litre of sodium is safe; our water has only 6mg/litre (which compares favourably versus other brands).
Finally, it creates water that is naturally balanced and in perfect equilibrium, which means it has a pH level of 7 – neither acidic or alkaline. Some people claim, although there is little scientific evidence to support it, that water that is more alkaline has some limited health benefits. What is fact is that the human body likes to maintain pH equilibrium on a constant basis so drinking water that is pH neutral is simply a gentle choice for hydration.
Thanks to all this magic of nature, we don’t need to do anything clever to the spring water as it bubbles out of the ground. We simply put it into glass bottles so everyone can enjoy the unique taste of Whitehole Springs.
Whitehole Farm is a haven to many different animals and wildflowers and we make every effort to maintain and promote a natural environment for them.
Whitehole Springs has been around for a very long time, the land even being mentioned in the Doomsday Book completed by order of King William the Conqueror in 1086, when it was referred to as a source of ‘natural healing’.
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